Best Digital Agency

We have extensive Experience in Social Media Marketing

Paid Advertising

Proactively recaptiualize multidisciplinary manufactured products vis-a-vis go forward resource maximizing internal.

Content Marketing

Assertively negotiate adaptive human capital and collaboration and idea-sharing rather than extensive communities.

Content Marketing

Globally promote long-term high-impact resources and goal-oriented growth strategies. Globally incubate extensible.

YouTube Marketing

Globally promote long-term high-impact resources and goal-oriented growth strategies. Globally incubate extensible.

What we can do for you

We’re resourceful in our specialization. We’re good at finding creative solutions to challenges. But we also know where we’re strong and that’s where we deliver outstanding results.

Web applications

Web applications

A web app you can access via your browser. They often serve as administrations for management of content, clients or user accounts.

Information systems

Information systems

A system which you'll manage your entire company. Or run electric plants. Like our client. With integrated AI you can take thing to the next level.

Mobile applications

Mobile applications

People spent approx. 4.8 hours a day with mobile apps. We’re ready to build you the one app they’ll soon find indispensable in their everyday lives.

3D & Virtual reality

3D & Virtual reality

We have a team dedicated to modeling in 3D. 3D is no longer only for games and movies but it's the new trend in industry sectors and design.

TV smart applications

TV smart applications

We'll build you your own Netflix. We’ve built such apps for documentaries and kids’ cartoons. The apps run on Samsung, LG and Apple stores.



Whether you want to inform, educate or sell - your own website is the way to go. With smart tools we'll build in no time.

Podívejte se, co říkají ostatní, kteří si prošli touto cestou před vámi. ​

Několik slov od našich klientů, kteří nám dali důvěru a se spoluprací jsou spokojeni.

Pellentesque nec nam aliquam sem. Ultricies lacus sed turpis tincidunt id aliquet risus. Consequat nisl vel pretium lectus quam id.

Alexa Loverty

Alexa Loverty

Product Designer

Pellentesque nec nam aliquam sem. Ultricies lacus sed turpis tincidunt id aliquet risus. Consequat nisl vel pretium lectus quam id.

Hugh Saturation

Hugh Saturation

UX Designer

Pellentesque nec nam aliquam sem. Ultricies lacus sed turpis tincidunt id aliquet risus. Consequat nisl vel pretium lectus quam id.

Maxine Butler

Maxine Butler


Siesta in numbers

When we confidently say that we know what we’re good at and who we helped - there’s a good reason for it.

32 +


15 mil+


6 +

years in business

40 +

team members

What can you expect when you work with us

Does choosing your software provider make you nervous because you don’t know what to expect? We laid down the cards on the table so you can see what it's working with us like and feel comfortable.


Business analysis

So we understand what you need



We’ll prepare some wireframes, mock ups or first screens


Development & Testing

This is where we work and you give us feedback



We will publish the app or system on the internet or in app stores.


Support & Maintenance

No software is ever done and we take care of what we built

1. krok

Představení se

Na začátek je potřeba říct, že každý proces vývoje projektu se může mírně lišit v závislosti na tom, s jakými technologiemi projekt pracuje a o jak rozsáhlý projekt se jedná.

2. krok

Výkop projektu

Podepsali jsme se, potřásli si rukama a můžeme začít pracovat. Kick off fázi obvykle zvládneme během několika hodin, maximálně dnů.

3. krok

Vývoj a testování

Nástroje a procesy jsou připravené a my se pouštíme do práce. V Siestě projekty řídíme projekty buď sekvenčním způsobem, kterému se říká z angličtiny waterfall, nebo inkrementálně tzv. agilně.

4. krok

Spuštění 🍾

Vývoj MVP je u konce. A co teď? Teď budeme spouštět (launch) produkt z vývojového prostředí na live server. Typicky to znamená, že web, aplikaci nebo systém zveřejníme a zpřístupníme na internetu nebo v app storech.

5. krok

Podpora a údržba

Podpora a údržba softwaru je standardní součástí každého projektu, který je složitější než jsou webové stránky na WordPressu.

Our references



We use modern and proven technologies and tools to help us deliver exceptional results for our clients.

  • React


  • Angular


  • Vue.js


  • Html 5

    Html 5

  • Css


  • Javascript


  • Typescript


  • Visual Studio 2022

    Visual Studio 2022

  • SQL


  • .NET


  • C#


  • Azure


  • Android


  • Unreal Engine

    Unreal Engine

  • Git hub

    Git hub

Discover more from the world of IT

Transparency is important to us, which is why we continue to reveal more and more information about the way we work, best practices and news from the world of IT.

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The risky art of estimating: Where and how estimates for project delivery come from

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