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Demagog is a volunteer-based non-profit organization dedicated to verifying the statements of Czech politicians and determining if they are true, false or misleading. We have created a more modern look for their website based on a prepared design. 


  • A new more attractive and functional design ahead of a period when more traffic is expected
  • Faster loading of the website using effective tools
  • Improved user experience for visitors
  • Increased donations to running non-profit organisations thanks to a more modern and user-friendly website


  • Prompt delivery before an important deadline
  • Adjusting the design for implementation needs
  • Modifying API calls to the database to match the needs of the new design
  • Suggesting further improvements including further collaboration on other parts of the website


  • Stimulus.js


  • Ruby on Rails

    Ruby on Rails

  • HTML


  • Javascript


  • Bootstrap


  • GitHub




I am just happy.

– Ivana, Client Bridge

Let's have coffee! ☕

Hello, my name is Tom. 👋
I will be happy to answer your questions.